Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Delilah Files : Melissa Mowry

The Delilah Files : Melissa Mowry 
By Paul Stanner 

Last week the highly acclaimed , in feminist circles , Egyptian - American feminist Mona Eltahaway caused quite a stir by advocating that women employ the use of " justifiable violence " against men. What is justifiable violence is of course left solely to the discretion of women. I was not shocked that a feminist would advocate this in the least nor that a sizable per centage of women seem to agree with her. I am also not shocked that the notion that women hold the higher moral ground simply by virtue of being women and are thusly predisposed by nature against the use of violence in spite of the vast amounts of contradictory evidence still pervades society. As an example of that pervasion it is a fact that women get about 2/3 of the prison time that men get for the same exact violent crime. I do find it disturbing that so many men seem to subscribe to this theory considering that female criminal behavior has been with us since the beginning of time right up until today. There needs to be a whole lot more education and exposure of violent and perverse female behavior. Men in general and MGTOW men in particular need to know that violent female criminals are capable of all the same disgusting behavior as violent male criminals and to learn how to protect themselves against these violent and cunning criminals. In that regard The Delilah Files is going to do it's part beginning right now. This Delilah comes to us from the sleazy world of pedophilia. 

A 28-year-old Florida woman was recently sentenced to 20 years in prison after she pleaded guilty to multiple counts of sexual battery on a victim under the age of 12. Marissa Mowry was a live-in nanny for the family of her then 11-year-old victim. According to reports, Mowry had an ongoing sexual relationship with the boy until he told his mother three-years later. 
In that time, Mowry had given birth to a child who was fathered by the victim. During Mowry's hearing, her victim, now 17, appeared at the sentencing on Wednesday. His mother, Nadene Campbell, spoke about how Mowry irrevocably altered her son's life. “Who wants to date a 17-year-old who had a 5-year-old?” asked Campbell. “It has not ruined his life, but it’s changed his life. But he has turned into one of the most amazing dads you’ll ever meet.” Source:

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